SMART METER SMPO1000-US Pulse Oximeter Troubleshooting

The full user manual for the SMP01000 can be found here.


Network Indicator Description

Symbol Description
SIM card is not inserted
SMART METER SMPO1000 US Pulse Oximeter - No signal No signal
SMART METER SMPO1000 US Pulse Oximeter - Signal is weak Signal is weak
SMART METER SMPO1000 US Pulse Oximeter - Signal is normal Signal is normal
SMART METER SMPO1000 US Pulse Oximeter - Signal is good Signal is good
Signal is perfect
SMART METER SMPO1000 US Pulse Oximeter - Network is unattached Network is unattached




Trouble Possible reason
The SpO2 and PR can’t be displayed normally and the value disappeared. 1. The finger is not properly positioned. 2. The patient’s SpO2 is too low to be detected. 1. Please try again. 2. Try again; Go to a hospital for a diagnosis if you are sure the device works all right.
The SpO2 and PR display unstable. 1. The finger is not placed inside enough. 2. The finger is shaking or the testee is moving. 1. Place the finger properly and try again. 2. Let the testee keep calm.
The device can’t be powered on. 1. The batteries are drained or almost drained. 2. The installation of batteries is not correct. 3. The device’s malfunction. 1. Change batteries. 2. Reinstall batteries. 3. Please contact the supplier.
The screen is suddenly off. 1. The product will automatically shut down when there is no finger inserted for more than 10 seconds or after the upload is finished. 2. Power of the batteries is exhausted.

1. Normal. 2. Replace the batteries.

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