History of Prevounce

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” - Benjamin Franklin

Prevounce was founded and designed by physicians, practice managers and attorneys to ensure a user experience that is efficient, patient-focused and fully compliant to all billing and legal requirements. Prevounce was established in 2019 in Los Angeles as a software company. In 2020 we founded our hardware sister company Pylo, shortly after that we moved to Indianapolis so as to better service our clients with a unique country-wide software and hardware solution to AWVs, CCM and RPM. We take a consultative approach with our partners to help develop efficient protocols tailored to fit into current workflows.

Our Goal

Prevounce is a leading company in Remote Patient Management (RPM). Our proprietary software, devices, and highly integrated services help lower the cost of healthcare and improve quality. 

  • Reduce unnecessary emergency room visits
  • Alleviate staffing constraints and physician burnout
  • Lower cost of care
  • Create better outcomes
  • Foster relationships between patients and health system

Prevounce Today

Prevounce offers:

  • Proprietary software & direct EMR integration
  • Smart connected medical devices
  • Fully customizable Patient Kits
  • Strategy, support, and distribution logistics

With our expertise and our solutions, Prevounce allows for a flexible approach to support the diverse needs of all our partners and their patients.



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